Sunday 11 September 2011

copyright in TV productions and films

For TV productions and films, copyright may exist on a number of its components, for example, the original screenplay, the music score and so on. If you produced the TV show or film then you would normally obtain the rights to, or gain permission to use, the works required to make the production.
You will not infringe the copyright in a broadcast if you make a recording of a TV programme in your own home to watch later. For any other use you may need the permission for the rights holder, unless copyright exceptionsapply.
Broadcasts, which may be transmitted by cable or wireless means, including satellite broadcasts, but excluding most transmissions on the internet, afford copyright protection in addition to any copyright in the content of broadcasts such as films, music and literary material.
Films do not have to be original but they will not be new copyright works if they have been copied from existing films. Broadcasts do not have to be original, but there will be no copyright, if, or to the extent that, they infringe copyright in another broadcast.

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